Working Alone Safety

Course Description:

This course provides essential knowledge on the safety concerns and challenges faced by workers who may find themselves working alone or in isolation. Designed for all workers and employers, the course explores high-risk activities, potential hazards, and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Participants will gain a deeper understanding of workplace safety and learn how to protect themselves and others when working independently. Employers must complement this training with workplace-specific guidelines and procedures for maximum safety compliance.

Who should take this course:

This course is ideal for any worker or employer who may work alone or supervise lone workers in various industries.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify common safety hazards and high-risk activities associated with working alone.
  • Comply with the legal responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) related to lone worker safety.
  • Implement safety measures and precautions when working alone.
  • Respond effectively to emergencies while working in isolation.
  • Follow workplace-specific training and policies to ensure safety when working alone.

Delivery Mode:

Self-Directed Online study via 24×7 access to individual learner account on user friendly LMS.


Accessible on laptop, desktop, and mobile devices using all browsers and Brightspace Pulse App (available in App Store and Google Play)


Minimum 80% score is required on the Final Assessment to receive Completion Certificate.


A digital Certificate of Completion is generated and stored within the LMS platform. PDF version is available to download and print.

Duration: Approximately 30 minutes

Prerequisites: There are no specific prerequisites for this course.