SDF TS Participant Registration

We at Merit Ontario are honoured to offer training courses for jobs in the construction industry. When you first registered with us we acquired a few pieces of information to get you started and on your way. Now we need to complete your registration so you can take full advantage of our interactive learning programs. Filling out the form below keeps your account up to date and will only take about 5 minutes of your time.

If you’ve landed on this page, but have not officially enrolled in our learning platform, you can do so by clicking here to enroll.

Participant Details

I identify as *

Do you identify as transgender? (optional)

Status in Canada *

Preferred Language *

Preferred Communication

Marital Status *

Participant Address and Contact Information

Primary Mailing Address
Alternate Mailing Address

Primary Phone Number *

Alternate Phone Number

Profile Information

Labour force attachment *

Source of Income *

Self identification


Indicate your Highest Level of Education/Qualification *


Employment Type

Preferred method of reporting wage